Friday, January 2, 2009

Grandma's arm

We went to Kalamazoo tonight to have supper w/ Dad and Mom. I was prepared to see mom in a lot of pain and very down, but we had a wonderful surprise when we got there. She was doing GREAT! We brought supper from Taco Bell and I was wondering how mom was going to eat w/ one hand, but she can use both hands. She was reading the newspaper, holding it up w/ both hands, too and walking w/ her walker, using both hands. Her arm hurts when she tries to raise it up, but she uses it very well! She was joking and laughing with us. She is no longer taking Vicodin and said that she does not need it. Norm and I talked to her about how important it is that she uses her walker. We told her that we are so thankful she did not break a leg and end up in a nursing home! Mom said she will probable use her walker when she goes to church.
BTW - When she fell at the apartment, she was using a cart to walk with.

Monday, December 22, 2008

A talk with Grandma....

I spoke with Grandma (and Grandpa yelling from the background today). She was so excited that I called. Josiah took a moment to speak to her on speaker phone too. He spelled his name for her and she loved it. She shared with us about the snow on her evergreen out front that is over 2 feet tall, and how Roger had to come yesterday and knock it down so they could see out their window again. She OF COURSE told me about how much she missed us and everyone that was gone. But also spoke about looking forward to spending Christmas with Rog and Ginger ("Because they're alone too.") I shared with her that we hoped to be out in Michigan sometime in July (when Jonathan and I are both off) and she was excited about that. We'll keep you all posted on that one. :0)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Last Monday Lindsy and Curt went to Kalamazoo. They brought both dogs with them, too. Lindsy gave grandma a new perm. Curt got them Mc Donald's for lunch. They couldn't go out due to the perm solution on grandma's hair.
Saturday night Rog, Ginger, Norm and Gail took Dad and Mom to a Christmas program at Richland Bible Church and then out for dinner. It was a great way to celebrate Rog and Norm's birthday!